Emery Moore
Emery Moore is a multimedia artist who was born in Maryland and grew up in the town of Berwyn Heights. He earned degrees in Art and Environmental Studies from Saint Mary’s College of Maryland, and the art he creates shows his dual interests. His work was included in the SMCM All-Student Exhibitions in 2022 and 2023, One of his pieces in the 2022 All-Student show won The SGA Cultural Relations Investigation and Actions Committee Most Cultural/Social Impact and in the 2023 show a piece won The Student Government Association Award for Most Innovative Work. For his class’s senior thesis exhibition, Reimagined Memories, he created a series of large-scale sculptures of imagined creatures that walk the line between endearing and unsettling, which earned the Senior Award in Art.
A lot of the art I create speaks about difficulties in connecting with other people, in both being understood and understanding others. Being trans opens a person up to the experience of having an idea of your body that doesn’t match what it is in reality. This can stretch the imagination, and in my work bodies often become distorted, lumpy, going far past realistic proportions, but in a way I find to be satisfyingly ugly. The best way for me to depict emotions is not always even through the human body. Another idea I explore is communication, or the inability to communicate and connect. I find solidarity with things like salamanders and sea cucumbers and their far removal from the way the human consciousness works. This aligns also with my interest in the natural world, and my love for mushy things and invertebrates certainly comes from their beauty as well. I love to incorporate the patterns I see in nature into my work, not only in the living things, but the things decaying, rusting, wearing away. I much prefer things that have some imperfections, and seek out an unpolished look.